Life skills 121 package - £220 

Whether you have a pup and have completed our puppy package, a new rescue or an adult dog in need of a little guidance, our Life Skills package is for you. Through fun games and training exercises we will show you how to teach your dog all the skills they require to live a happy and well-balanced life.

What’s Included? -

  • 4 x 121 training sessions.

What we can cover?

  • Increasing focus and motivation
  • Building a strong bond
  • How to appropriately reward your dog
  • How to gain your dog’s attention
  • Shaping a well-mannered, confident and responsive dog
  • Recall and off lead reliability
  • Settling on a mat or bed
  • Loose lead walking foundations
  • Tricks and games
  • Leave’ it
  • Sit wait and Down stay

Charlotte with be the trainer running these sessions.